Saturday, June 2, 2012

Freequently Asked Question-Basic Civil

Hi Everybody,
What are the questions frequently asked in basic civil engineering?
1.Define Surveying
2.What are the Principles of Surveying?
3.Mention the uses of cement
4.What are the constituents of concrete?
5.Define Bearing Capacity of soil.
6.Write the functions of foundation.
7.Define column ,beam and lintel
8.Draw neat sketches of queen closer and king closer.
9.Write different types of bridges,
10.What are the sources of water supply?
11.What is leveling?
12.Give examples of igneous rock,sedimentary rock,and metamorphic rock
13.what is hydration of cement?
14.What is meant by M15 concrete?
15.Define safe bearing capacity.
16.Give a list of bonds in brick works.
17.What are the usual causes of failure of foundation?
18.What is the difference between pier and abutment?
19.What is the function of infiltration gallery?
20. What is Water-bound macadam in roads construction?

21.Find area using Simpsons rule and trapezoidal rule.
22.Define chain surveying.explain about various instrument used in chain survey.
23.Explain about different types of construction materials.
24.Explain the properties of a)Concrete b)Cement c)Timber d) plywood e) paints
25.What are the factors affecting bearing capacity of soil?
26.Explain briefly the methods to improve bearing capacity of soil.
27.Explain the types of foundation with neat sketches.
28.Write down the difference between the English bond and Flemish bond.
29.Draw neatly the arrangement of 11/2 brick thick wall in English bond.
30.What are the difference  between  brick masonry and stone masonry
31. Explain the different type of flooring with neat drawing .write their merit and demerit.
32.explain the types of dam
33. Write the various operations involved in water treatment with neat sketch.
34.write different methods for distribution of water in cities and town.
35.what are the classification of bricks? what are the constituents of brick?
36.What are the qualities of good brick/
37.What are the character of soft and hard timber?
38.Explain in detail different methods of Seasoning of Timber.
39.draw neat sketches of  i)isolated foundation ii) combined footing iii) Under reamed pile foundation.
40. Explain various kinds of rubble masonry.
41.Explain the importance of roads in the development of a country.
42.What is water bound macadam explain with neat sketch.
43.What are the types of bridges ? Why they are necessary for transportation?
44.Give a neat sketch of plan and elevation of a bridge and name its components.
45.what are the purposes of dams?
46.Explain with neat sketches various types of earthen dams.
47.what is the difference with a culvert and bridge .explain.
48.what are causeways?
49.What are the difference between Damp proof Course and Weathering Coat / Explain
50.. Explain the defects in plastering and the remedies for minimizing the defects  in plastering
 Oh too long .
It is easy to ask questions but very difficult to answer. Isn't it?
Wish you all success in your exams.